Austrian vehicle manufacturer Magna has unveiled two new electric powertrains for plug-in hybrid systems and 100% electric vehicles.
The main objective of the company is to achieve the maximum possible efficiency with a view to increasing the electric range as much as possible and, in the case of plug-in hybrids, reducing the emissions of the entire system.
According to Magna, the “EtelligentReach” system is capable of increasing the autonomy of an electric car by 20% (more than 145 kilometers) and reaching 100 kilometers of electric autonomy in hybrids.
The supplier has presented the two powertrains at their test center in Arjeplog, Sweden. According to Tom Rucker, president of Magna Powertrain, the technological approach based on scalable building blocks allows meeting the needs of its customers both with complete solutions, such as the all-electric version, and with subsystems and components, such as the version for plug-in hybrids.
For 100% electric vehicles
The electric all-wheel drive system introduced by Magna debuts a new smart decoupling feature that allows electric vehicle engines to turn on or off as needed.
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To increase efficiency, it uses advanced silicon carbide technology in the inverter, which is responsible for converting the direct current that comes out of the traction battery into the alternating current that the motor needs for its operation and that is responsible for controlling the intensity and frequency of energy output varying the speed at which the motor rotates and the power according to the driver’s demand at all times.
This material is the sixth generation of power switches or transistors, which allows obtaining smaller and higher density power modules, operating at higher temperatures and creating opportunities for the use of new materials throughout the power module.
These two innovations are joined by improved operating software, which will be used in all Magna powertrains in both fully electric vehicles and plug-in hybrids.
With future software and hardware updates, Magna ensures that the “EtelligentReach” all-electric four-wheel drive system increases range by 20%, which means gaining more than 145 kilometers compared to average electric models currently produced.
Information: Híbridos y Eléctricos
Written by | Gabriel Sayago